Apr 28, 2013 Print this article

Blasphemy on Broadway CANCELED

UPDATE on 05-06-13: Good news. The peaceful anti-blasphemy protest has been blessed with results. The Testament of Mary has been cut short. Its last performance was on May 5. In addition to being morally repugnant, the play's poor ticket sales demonstrate that blasphemy is also bad business.

What would you do if your mother was attacked? Do nothing? Stay silent?

Never. The immediate response of any loving child would be to rush to her defense and ward off the attacker. For that reason, when Broadway decided to attack the Mother of God with Colm Toibin's blasphemous play, The Testament of Mary, faithful Catholics gathered to protest and make reparation.

On Monday, April 22, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) held its second protest against The Testament of Mary in front of the Walter Kerr Theatre in New York City. As a public act of repraration, the peaceful demonstration brought together hundreds of New York Catholics who prayed the rosary and sang hymns in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.