Sep 19, 2017 Print this article

News Release: LGBT 'Pride Prom' at Catholic Campus Sparks 15,000 Complaints

While Catholic students work to preserve moral values, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution -- plans to host an event that attacks God's law: "PRIDE PROM 2018." The event is sponsored by the "LGBT+ Resource Center" on campus.

Announced as a "first" by the university's web site, the pro-homosexual prom is open to people of "all ages" and is slated to take place in Marquette's Alumni Memorial Union (AMU) Ballrooms on April 14, 2018.

Many Catholic parents and students are upset. In three days, more than 15,000 people signed a petition, urging the president of Marquette, Dr. Michael R. Lovell, to cancel the prom.

View the petition here: https://www.tfpstudentaction.o...

"This event is morally unacceptable," said TFP Student Action director, John Ritchie. "No Catholic campus should ever sponsor a formal dance party for same-sex couples or act to legitimize lifestyles that deeply offend God and harm the moral fabric of our nation."

"What's worse is the disrespect shown for the house of God," continued Ritchie, "because the 'Pride Prom' is scheduled to happen in the same building that houses the Chapel of the Holy Family, where the Holy Eucharist is kept and where Mass is celebrated."

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that unnatural vice is intrinsically disordered. "Sin is something to be ashamed of, not a badge of pride," Ritchie said. "But I've noticed that the more diversity and acceptance are talked up, the less God and His holy law are welcomed on Catholic campuses. The truth is blurred or rejected."

"To promote 'pride' for any sinful lifestyle cuts at the root of Catholic education," said Ritchie. "Because St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that pride -- as an act of contempt for God -- is one of the worst sins."


TFP Student Action ( is a national network of Catholic students and concerned parents committed to defend traditional moral values and restore Christian Civilization.